November 25, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake

A Temporary Position

We recently experienced a creative miracle where something disappeared that would have caused us a great deal of trouble. The details are too sensitive to reveal; not only was the situation very intense, but the climate was ugly.

The Lord has been speaking to His saints to repent of doubt and unbelief and receive new levels of faith for power and miracles in preparation for the harvest. (See Strategies for Breakthrough.) Nothing increases faith quite like seeing a creative miracle performed when your back’s against the wall! We might prefer for God to increase our faith in less dramatic ways, yet it’s when we’re most vulnerable and we see God provide the way that our faith levels surge.

There’s been a sense about this season of kind of a temporary position – as if we’ve been poised between what was, and what’s coming. For the saints, the primary purpose in this season has been that of being ready for what’s to come. The Father is looking for us to cooperate with all He is doing in order that our lives might be lived at His breakneck speed as reformers.

A Test

Just as Jesus endured a season of testing in the wilderness before displaying new levels of power (Matt. 4), the saints have been enduring a test. Key to this season of testing has been the sacrifice of the means of the promise – similar to when Abraham, by faith, offered up his son Isaac.

It’s interesting to note that at the time of Abraham’s test, he was already in formal covenant with God and had already circumcised all males in his household as a sign of the covenant. (Gen. 15, 17) Yet God told him to sacrifice the very son by which the promise would come. We are told in Hebrews 11:17-19 that Abraham by faith offered up Isaac:

Concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense. (V. 19)

We, too, have a covenant – His blood. (1 Cor. 11:25) As a sign of our covenant, we keep His word, and by this we know we are in covenant with Him. (1 John 2:5) Many saints have been called to sacrifice their promises by seeing their figurative death (in regard to any possibility of fulfillment) – despite obedience. It has been a season of discouragement for many, including myself.

A Covenant

When my husband and I received our creative miracle mentioned earlier, my husband later spoke of great favor having been extended to us. Spontaneously, I responded that our deliverance from this circumstance had been far beyond favor… at which time I heard the Lord say, “It’s covenant.”

Covenant goes beyond favor to include provision of whatever you want – whenever you need it – so long as you walk in obedience. (See Gen. 22:18; Jer. 32:38-44.) God’s creative power is behind covenant to supply whatever you need. When Isaac questioned his father as to where the lamb was for the sacrifice, Abraham responded, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” (Gen. 22:8) Of course He did provide – by the ram caught in the thicket.

Abraham called the name of the place where he was tested, “The-Lord-Will-Provide… In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” (22:14)

Saints, this is our place today. For those who have passed the test – it’s paid off, and a new door is opening through which a new level of anointing has kicked in. And we must shake off the discouragement of this past season in order to breathe new levels of anointing.

Look Up

The grace and breakthrough for change is here. There are several important elements to recognize that will help take us from here to there—from that place of what was to what’s coming.

– I hear the Lord say that the key to this process is we are going to have to speak and declare our victory in Him, and then move forward with what direction we have. We never cease to walk by faith – He gives you enough to get started, and then His power kicks in and you get all that you need. Remember like Gideon – we are the thing God says we are, before we are the thing God says we are! Begin declaring yourself healed, and a mighty warrior—it’s in our DNA! (Isa. 53:5; Judges 6:12)

– Also, be aware that part of the uncharted waters we have entered pertains to a corporate release of His presence. He’s pulling us all into that corporate anointing where we will see unprecedented levels of power for healing and miracles released. It is essential in this hour to be plugged into a like-minded body of believers who welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit. More than ever, this is no time to be a lone ranger.

– It’s important to be predictable so that God knows what you’re going to do – by living a lifestyle of obedience. Recently, I saw food multiply in a dream, and I believe many will see this type of miracle performed through them on a daily basis. But I also believe there is a lifestyle of consistency required for those who will walk in an increased anointing for everyday miracles.

– Persistence is critical at this hour. Like the persistent widow in Luke 18, we must continue to pray and not lose heart. (V. 1) It is in this context of not giving up that Jesus asked the question, “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (V. 8)

– Finally, repent of discouragement, and ask the Lord to fill you with a sense of expectancy. In the context of the last days, Luke 21:28 says:

Now when these things begin to happen, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

The Message Bible puts it like this:

When all this starts to happen, up on your feet. Stand tall with your heads high. Help is on the way!

Thank you Lord. We receive Your words of encouragement that help is on the way!


1. That the Lord would remove any spirit of discouragement off of your life; ask Him to bring His spirit of expectancy to you, and to others in the body of Christ. (Luke 21:28)
2. That the Lord would connect you to the right corporate body (or bodies), and would increase the saint’s expectancy for His presence to manifest corporately. (Acts 2:1, 2)
3. And ask the Lord to heal us, and to increase faith and awareness in the church that healing (and miracles) is on the increase. (Isa. 53:5; Luke 18:8)


1. Read the story of Abraham’s testing in Genesis 22 and Hebrews 11:17-19. Reflect on His covenant by reading passages such as Jeremiah 32:38-44, Ezekiel 16:60-62 and any other passages the Lord might direct.
2. Determine to speak and declare your victory in Him – both from the written Word and prophetic words you’ve received. (Job 22:27, 28)
3. Partake in communion – as you do, ask the Lord to bring one thing to mind that He would like to minister to you. (1 Cor. 11:23-26)

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Last modified: January 21, 2021