A Dream of Revival

About a month ago I had a powerful dream in which I saw revival coming to New York. The dream opened with a healing evangelist laying a hand on my neck. He asked me to stir up my faith to believe for healing in my body. As I began to do this, I was struck by the power of the Lord and began to experience a vision within the dream.

Beyond the windows of the building we were in, I saw a crowd of people on what resembled the football field from my old high school days. Their actions were full of industry and purpose, which I knew had religious motivation and intent.

All of a sudden they were completely repositioned—people were standing on each other’s shoulders up to astounding heights; there were many, many columns of people configured in this manner. Just as suddenly these columns of people began to topple over, and I knew instantly it was a representation of religious structures toppling!

Next, I saw multiple sets of railroad tracks appear on this same field—running north to south. Except, in the setting of my old high school, there was only one set of railroad tracks running just beyond the field – and it ran east to west! Again, I had an instant understanding this was a representation of everything being turned upside down and needing to be done in completely different ways!

The dream ended with the healing evangelist expressing surprise at what I had experienced. I simply told him that I’m a prophet, and that’s how the Lord works in me. Upon awakening I heard the Lord say that revival is coming to New York. (New York had been identified in the dream as well.) I also heard that the normal way of doing things just won’t work anymore, and that this is not a comfort zone; it’s something beyond it.

I expect if this is true (revival coming to New York), then other people will begin prophesying it as well. Regardless, I believe the Lord has been speaking that He’s not going to be content with some revival in the last days, but revival on a massive scale—and we need to be ready for it.

A Sharp Sickle

A significant key verse was revealed to me early in 2014, representative of the release of this period of awakening. (1) Revelation 14:14 says:

Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.

The next couple verses continue:

And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped. (Vs. 15, 16)

It’s hard to consider revival – and specifically as coming to New York – without also thinking of the Second Great Awakening and the work of the great revivalist Charles Finney. Much of Finney’s ministry was largely conducted in local revival campaigns in New York State (in the years of 1824-1832). One occurrence of note, however, took place in the northern region of Pennsylvania (1829-31).

At the time, Finney was conducting revival meetings in Philadelphia. Lumbermen from this largely unsettled and unoccupied northern region would float down lumber on the Delaware River to Philadelphia in the spring. Quite a number of these men attended Finney’s meetings and were saved.

There were no schools or churches in this northern region, and many of those converted were unable to read or write. This did not stop them from returning to the wilderness and praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the same manner they had experienced. The Lord answered their prayers, and revival began to take hold almost immediately.

It spread to such an extent that in many cases people who were almost completely ignorant were convicted and converted without ever attending any meetings. One particular man is reported to have fallen under conviction as he slept all alone in his little shanty. His convictions increased until he broke down, confessed his sins and repented. The Spirit of God evidently revealed so completely to him the way of salvation that he came to know the Savior—without ever hearing the salvation message or attending a prayer meeting in his life!

In fact, Finney himself never traveled to this region, but regarded it as one of the most remarkable revivals that occurred in this country. It was carried on almost independently of any ministry among a people considered ignorant in regard to ordinary standards of instruction. Yet this move of God was remarkably free from fanaticism, wildness or anything that could be called objectionable. (2)

We, too, will experience massive revival of this type. Not that people will be illiterate, or be occupants of wilderness territory necessarily (unless perhaps one considers spiritual applications). But ordinary kingdom citizens like you and me need to be ready to steward and shepherd revival – independent of organized ministry. Simply put, there will be too many people, too much revival, too much outpouring of His Spirit, for any existing ministry structure to handle.

It is you and I who will do it. Which is why we must be prepared.

Becoming New Creatures

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Cor. 5:17, KJV)

Several nights after I dreamed of revival, I experienced another dream. In this one, I saw a scenario played out involving a family member, which illustrated how a deeply seeded generational spirit of anger affects them.

Over the years I’ve seen this family member come to the Lord and experience a measure of victory over an extreme temper. So while I saw some improvement, it’s also evident that this person didn’t know how to press in the whole way.

It is true that we are made a new creation in Christ through salvation, but it is also true that we should walk in this newness of life (Rom. 6:1-14) and be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2). Studies show that the typical time to change any habit is at least 30 days. It’s still that kind of industry that allows us to be transformed in Christ (2 Cor. 3:18).

Salvation is an ongoing active process (Phil. 2:12, 13). It requires pressing into the power of the cross to become free from generational sins, ungodly beliefs, soul/spirit hurts and demonic oppression. (3) Without this active participation, you can be limited how far you can go. Regarding the family member mentioned above, there is a vast difference between exercising huge amounts of self-control versus being delivered of a spirit of anger, for instance.

We know that those who experience salvation receive eternal life, and John 3:16 confirms this. But those who steward the ongoing spirit of revival will be those who have also experienced the abundant life—in that all things have become new.

Integrity, Angels, and Prayer

In yet another dream I saw an illustration for commitment to living an honest life. In it, I made a decision to do the right thing even at the expense of losing a perceived advantage. Because there was a core of integrity, the situation in the dream ended up divinely working out to my benefit.

The saints the Lord will use to shepherd His revival will have determined to live an honest life – not a perfect life, but there needs to be a decision to lead a life of integrity. Like any aspect concerning salvation, this is only possible by faith in Jesus Christ. Within that framework no one is perfect, but that’s what He’s looking for.

And we’re in a season where peoples’ true colors will be coming out. A distinction will be made between those in it to make a name for themselves versus those in it for the kingdom.

The Lord is also separating using the Joshua-Caleb principle—that is, He’s looking for those that say, “Even if those around me fail to go in (to God’s promises), I’m willing.” I believe the Lord has established a different generation—the old one (that failed to enter into His promises) is gone.

It’s a time of increased angelic activity. There is no topic I have heard the Lord speak more about recently than increased angelic activity. I believe angels are active now for a multitude of things including wealth and provision. I have even heard the Lord speak of investigative angels that are “getting to the bottom of things” regarding restoration. And angels are hugely integral to revival, harvest and related prayer. (See Matt. 13:36-43; Rev. 8:3-5, 14:15.)

Prayer (restored) will help bring this revival state. Perhaps as at no other time, it is time to fall on our knees and pray to the Lord of the harvest!

“What a huge harvest!” [Jesus] said to His disciples. “How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!” (Matt. 9:38, MSG)


1. Pray that the Lord would bring a revival spirit and people committed to pray. (Rev. 8:3-5, 14:14-16)
2. Pray for a renewed commitment to integrity within the body of Christ. (Prov. 10:9, 20:7; Titus 2:7, 8)
3. Pray that the saints would press into areas of healing to become completely new creatures in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17; 3 John 2)


1. Consider forming or joining a prayer group specifically to pray for revival in your area.
2. Examine and renew (if necessary) your own commitment to integrity and press into complete healing in Christ.

End Notes

(1) Read the article Open Doors and New Levels.
(2) For additional reading, see: Finney, C. G., & Wessel, H. (1977). The Autobiography of Charles G. Finney. Bloomington: Bethany House Publishers.
(3) For more information/resources on the Integrated Approach to Healing, contact Restoring the Foundations Ministry.

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Last modified: January 21, 2021