What a privilege and honor to be asked to pray at the opening of a Trump rally recently! President Trump had already been to our state of Montana twice in support of Matt Rosendale, Montana’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, but on October 18th he came for a record-setting third time to our very own city of Missoula! But let me come back to that—first I want to share several other things—including the following dream I had recently.

Unimaginable Spiritual Increase

The setting was a beautiful lake in the northwest portion of our state where my husband and I enjoy relaxing at a family cabin. As I stood on the dock, I noticed what looked like a small boat drifting way out in the water. A short time later I saw it again, this time much closer and upside down. “Wait a minute,” I thought to myself, “That’s ours!” Sure enough, it was the family rowboat, which next thing I knew had been returned to the shore where it belonged. Then two motorboats appeared, both an older vintage-type style, but in perfect working order. To my surprise family members drove these boats, which I’d never seen before, and then tied them up to the dock as if they’d always belonged there.

I felt the Lord showed me this dream had to do with family and spiritual inheritance. That things that have been lost, stolen, “drifted away,” “overturned”—even things so old and long gone you’d not realized they were yours to claim—are being returned! Proverbs 13:22 (NKJV) says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” There are many, myself included, who have been left out of family inheritances in the natural, and whose families have not picked up, nurtured or stewarded family mantles or spiritual inheritance as well. I recently shared how I felt the Lord was combining various elements of spiritual inheritance and that if you are one who has been laying ahold of the promises of God, He is restoring double to you—even now! Almost all of the word I received can be found below:

“I am about to take you (move you) to another level of authority and responsibility. Some things are being taken from others and given to you, because they could not properly control and steward the gift (anointing or assignment) and because you have been so faithful with what I have given you. (See Matt. 25:14-29.) In addition to the redistribution of unused gifts and assignments, new mantles have been released to the faithful—whether in whole or in part—from spiritual mothers and fathers who’ve gone before. Unused or unclaimed generational and family mantles are being passed on as well.”

New levels of accuracy are coming to you this year. The Lord is multiplying all these aspects of spiritual inheritance to bring His faithful ones unimaginable increase. I hear the Lord saying that you’re just coming out of a long season of obscurity into a major, significant upgrade. Friends, He’s taking you to new levels this year!

Eagles, Eagles, Eagles

Everywhere I turn lately it’s been eagles, eagles, eagles. In the several days right before and after this rally I heard the Lord speak of government eagles, eagles in intercession, had an extraordinary visionary experience involving an eagle, and had a bald eagle fly barely fifteen feet over my head! At this point, being the astute prophetic woman I am, I asked the Lord if He might be trying to say something to me about eagles!

The visionary experience is key to what I felt the Lord revealed to me. In this vision within a dream, I was standing on the shore of a lake when an eagle appeared in the sky to my right. (Keep in mind this experience was otherworldly, in that normal words cannot adequately describe what I saw.) Suddenly a bright, white mist surrounded the eagle and it darted to a position right in front of me. It hovered a moment, then at lightning speed dove into the lake. I was somehow able to see it as it plunged deep underwater, then just as quickly returned to the position in front of me, and then back to where it came from.

Eagles, of course have extraordinary vision, and prophetically can be associated with both intercessors and prophets. I felt the bright white mist represented the glory of the Lord, and the eagle diving deep into the water represented the deeper levels of revelation the Lord is bringing to prophets and prophetic intercessors. But I don’t think it’s the revelation as much as what God is going to do in our midst. Deeper revelation releases greater glory.

The bald eagle, of course, is a symbol of our nation. I sense the Lord releasing a deeper level of His glory into our nation and government. In addition, there are new levels of kingdom governmental authority being released to the Lord’s faithful. I see both areas in play at Trump rallies. The prophets and intercessors are preparing the way for the glory of the Lord to enter through the spiritual gates these rallies create.

It was the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah that allowed the people to build and finish the temple (Ezra 6:14). In the book of Zechariah, the prophet chose to encourage the people to finish building by reminding them the temple must be completed because it would house the future glory of the Lord. He also prophesied that the Lord was working with them to bring justice concerning those who had stolen or sworn falsely by His name (5:1-4).

Friends, be encouraged that our part is just to finish whatever work the Lord has given us to prepare the way for His glory. Let me proclaim it from the rooftops—to anyone associated with quitting who has been laboring in sacrificial obedience—“You’re about to be elevated. You’re coming into a season of fulfillment—you’re about to see the next chapter of destiny fulfilled.” You are laboring with Him to build a temple for the future glory of the Lord—to be released in individuals, in cities, and in our nation.

The Trump Rally

Here are some highlights from our experience praying at a Trump rally. We were given incredible freedom, and my husband opened by briefly sharing the history of our nation’s first flag, the Appeal to Heaven flag, and what it’s come to represent. I welcomed the presence of the Lord and the Holy Spirit, prayed that people would consider serving in places like government offices and school boards, and we concluded by inviting the people to pray the Lord’s Prayer with us. You just can’t make up an opportunity like that. We did nothing to make it happen—the Lord just allowed us to be in the right place at the right time.

Because of this the Lord began showing me some things about the significance of what happened that day. First is that a spiritual activation occurred. I believe some will sense a call to serve in places of government, some will be drawn to salvation, and some will move to a deeper place of commitment in their walk with the Lord. He showed me a new level of glory coming in which it will become common to see people being raised from the dead. He showed me that there are new and emerging prophets that will not fit any previous molds—they will walk out a call that looks unique and different.

He also showed me something about President Trump. It’s often said that he’s too confrontational. But listen—just like with the prophets of Baal, he doesn’t back down. Have you ever seen him goad the “fake news” media, mock those who have lied at high levels of government, bait those who are in extreme opposition to the progress he’s making? Just like when Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal—encouraged them to call a little louder, that maybe their god might be busy or sleeping—the Lord showed me that President Trump moves in the spirit of Elijah, calling out the spirit of Baal.

To conclude, not even the President understands the scope of those who have been faithfully working on the Appeal to Heaven movement since before his election, as even among Republicans there was no hope of his winning. One significant movement preparing the way for the Lord’s glory is Awaken the Dawn. The Lord shows me that there’ll be ATD Israel next. And one final thing, when the vision of the eagle was followed the next day by the bald eagle flying low over my head, that’s when it hit me that we prayed for the United States of America at that rally that day, not just for our city, our state, or our region.

Friends, it’s not who you are, but who do you believe you are. Psalm 127:1 reinforces the connection between the watchman and the builder. Together they complete their work, but only in the strength of the Lord. Don’t discount the extra adversity that’s come into your life. The Lord has been preparing you to be a habitation for the release of the glory of the Lord.

If you’ve been feeling like giving up, please pray with me: “Lord, I don’t want to lose my hope. Please enlighten my mind to the coming glory of the Lord and the riches of my inheritance in You. Amen.”

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” (Eph. 1:18, NKJV)

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