Unlocking the Harvest: “I’m Planning to do a NEW Thing,” says the Lord!
The Lord impressed upon me that entering into the new levels of harvest He has planned means leaving the old ways behind and pressing...
Blessed are the Peacemakers: A Murder, Mayhem, Militia and a Mega-Move of God!
It is absolutely wrong for any faction, whether Antifa or any other, to hijack what should be a true movement protesting racial injustice...
The Dawn of the Era of “More and Better!”
“This marks a turning point in your life—the dawn of a new era. Just as things are different now in the physical realm, they are...
Trusting Him for Something Better: A Wave of Healing is Coming!
You can expect to see a great move of healing released as a manifestation of His glory. I believe this to be first and foremost actual...
Come Up Higher: Your City Is Ripe For Revival!
The Lord’s been showing me that the date 4/1/2020 is connected to Revelation 4:1, and that a door of invitation is opening to come up...
Prophetic Reflections Regarding the Coronavirus Outbreak
As I write this, tomorrow is the first day of spring—my sense is this will not last through the spring. Let’s not give in to fear, but...
Crossing Over Into a New Kingdom Era!
There is something in the air—something’s about to happen. Just as everything changed when the Israelites crossed the Jordan,...
The Super Bowl: Links to Discernment, Saving the Children, and Multi-generational Apostolic Teams
(Image source: www.facebook.com/jamesnesbitart/) There is no point in a Super Bowl, yet it garners the attention of a nation. I mean, come...
The Lord is Releasing New Levels of Discernment to His People
Just as our natural senses allow us to discern the signs of the sky, our spiritual senses allow us to discern the signs of the times...