Articles, Uncategorized

Kingdom Governmental Rule and Change

September  24, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Corruption in High Places

August 21, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake As Montana USRPN coordinators, my husband and I recently had the privilege of preparing the...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Shooting Coyotes and Shifting Nations

July 30, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake Posted on the Reformation Prayer Network It is not unusual for the Lord to speak to us through...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Homosexuality and Political Correctness

Jun 19, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake Is it a choice… or how you are born? One would have to be both physically and spiritually...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Gays deserve help pursuing truth, freedom, not marriage

by Diane Lake View the published opinion in the on May 16, 2012 There is hardly a more hot-button topic than that of...

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