
Will You Trust the Lord to Restore to Better Than Before?

Despite it having been a season of loss, it’s a season to press through open doors—not just stand still or draw back. The Lord has a...

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Get Ready for Harvest and the Coming Glory!

It’s important that every single one of us prepares to participate in this “after party” move of His glory that will be an integral...

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Preparing for Change and Harvest

We can’t only spiritualize the coming harvest—and accompanying move of glory, without addressing the need to be practically prepared as...

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There Stands Before You an Open Door

  Doors can represent decision, opportunity and expectation. I see three doors reflected in Scripture, and one in particular that...

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In This Challenging Season—Keep Your Eyes on the Glory!

I don’t think any of the prophets have the full picture of what God’s doing at the moment. What if God was withholding certain...

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It Is Time to Seek the Lord for the Alignment of Generations—The Place of Full Impact—Where Anything’s Possible!

I sense the Lord saying, there is “a deep work He wants to do in you.” I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “America—God wants to do...

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A Christmas Present for Families This Year!

If President Trump—who is pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-Israel and pro-religious liberties—were to by some miracle gain...

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This Election is a Far Cry From Over: We Have to Keep Praying!

This election is a far cry from over. We have to keep praying for these election results—we can’t give up! The attempt to steal the...

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The Year of the Climbing Vegetation

You are invited to come up higher… The next year becomes critical to be pressing into the Lord for continued revelation, that you...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Should Women Function as Pastors/Elders/Overseers in Today’s Churches?

How should we interpret Paul’s instructions in 1 Timothy 2:12 (NKJV) that women are not “to teach or to have authority over a...

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