
I Heard the Lord Say, “Watch for My Glory to Fall!”

Watch for ‘surprise entry portals’ for His glory. A Season of Fulfillment In a recent article I wrote how I’d had an intriguing...

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We’re in a Season of Fulfillment–There Will Be No More Delay!

Do not give up on your prophetic promises that haven’t “blossomed.” We are in a “day,” or season for prophetic promises to bloom,...

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You’re Coming Out of a Season of Great Trials into Something Brand New!

Friends, be encouraged. You are coming out of a wilderness season into something new. (Graphic by James Nesbit via At the...

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How to Begin Hearing Sound Bites from Heaven Like These

God wants to reveal His thoughts to you. Learn how you can hear short clips of divine conversations that summarize life in general, as...

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7 Abilities for a New Agility in This New Era

I truly believe the release of these seven abilities has been reserved for such a time as this, and those who read this with an open heart...

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It’s a Season of Wide-Open Doors—Don’t Hold Back!

You have more ground to cover and more things to see. Doors of opportunity are about to fling wide open for you. You have no idea of the...

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Salvation Has Come to the House of Israel!

People that pray for Israel receive a special blessing. For many years now I have had a specific assignment from the Lord to pray for the...

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The Dam of Promotion is About to Break!

The month of May marks a season of promotion. An old chapter has ended and a new one is beginning. (Author’s Note: The following is the...

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This Will Be an Era of Abundance, Recovery and Fruit!

The natural realm might continue to exhibit shortages and bare shelves, but what I hear the Lord say about this new era is, “It’s an...

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2022: The Front Door to the New

I believe as the door to 2022 opens—as the year unfolds—it will begin to reveal who you really are, what the new has been for and why...

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