(Graphic source: KingsleyWalkerMinistries.com)

It’s all about timing, and I believe God is beginning to move us into a new dimension of His presence in order that His purposes might be fulfilled in the earth, and for some reason He has chosen to prophetically illustrate this.

If you’ve been following our articles or podcast episodes, you know that we recently picked up stakes from having lived in the Missoula area all our lives, with roots going back four to five generations. You also know that we were looking for more land than we had and that we’ve found an amazing 315-acre ranch just outside Helena. I’ve also told you that some of this is for personal and family reasons, in that we come from a line of generations that have been farmers, ranchers and large land owners, but we’ve never had the chance to inherit or buy any acreage of significance. I’ve shared previously how I’ve felt the Lord has recovered, not just double, but triple the amount of acreage that we would have inherited if it had been administered justly. The Lord then, has recovered that for us and for our descendants, but I believe there’s something else in the mix as well.


We have had a number of prophets prophesy to us that we would provide a place of refuge at some point. Previously we had only 16 acres, and although it was fairly private and secluded, it’s nothing like we have now. I think this idea of refuge has both a physical and a spiritual significance, and of course, with this new property we now have, I can see how at some point we could conceivably do and provide that.

It’s interesting that the ACPE brought forth a word in their 2023 Word for the Year that said the Lord would be creating “Goshens,” and that He would even physically be moving some people to different areas and locations to create places of refuge. It’s also interesting that a number of prophetic voices have also prophesied that Montana has an anointing and destiny to be a place of refuge, as well.

But even beyond the recovery of land as an inheritance for us personally and for future generations, and beyond the possibility of using the land as some kind of potential refuge at some point in the future—there appears to me to be a clear indication that prophetically speaking—there is a much bigger picture than we really can clearly know and understand as far as what the Lord is doing in having relocated us to this area and this particular land.

I had said I would get back to you as I received more revelation—as I had more time to let that bigger picture “develop,” so to speak—to stay tuned to what I feel the Lord might be doing and saying in the bigger prophetic picture as to His purpose in the move.

So that’s what I want to talk about today. And I want to point out, too, that I’m sure I’ll keep gaining insight as time goes on, but at least I can begin to paint that picture as I am starting to see things develop.

Becoming the Word

Let me begin by saying that as a prophet—as a prophetic voice over the years—I have brought forth many words the Lord has given me—whether in the form of written articles, videos, or in podcast episode format—and there has always seemed to be an element where the Lord has required me to live the word first. Then after I’ve had time to “become the word,” in a manner of speaking, then I’m allowed to bring it forth.

James Goll once brought me some additional insight into this. He reached out to tell me that this allows me to bring a word forth with more weight—more authority, if you will. He said that it takes more time to bring forth the word this way, but it’s worth the wait. I pray this might be true in this case.

What I’m saying is, don’t get the idea that as I tell you some of what I feel the Lord is showing me about the prophetic significance of our move—that I think this is only about me, my husband, and my family. Or that it’s even only just about the state of Montana. I think there is a much broader application and implication for other kingdom minded people beyond ourselves, and for other states beyond Montana, and even beyond our particular region. So hopefully, as you read this article you’ll agree, because otherwise I’m just telling you a story about myself and my state. And that is definitely not the point to what I’m trying to do here.

Gale and Shelly Sheehan, the Directors of Christian International’s Apostolic Network, know what I’m talking about. In 2016 Gale brought a word about the number 6 or “vav” that year, and how the “vav” had a meaning of connection as referenced in Genesis 1:1 when God “vaved” the Heavens and Earth, or connected them together. One meaning of this type of connecting was “like lightning bolts” from heaven to earth.

The very next week in 2016, a massive lightning bolt hit their home. It was described by the Fire Department and electrical contractors as the strongest they had ever seen. It wiped out every electronic device, but the insurance company replaced everything that had been plugged into an electrical outlet—TVs, appliances, computers, etc. Gale took this as an amazing prophetic sign of the Lord verifying His timetable. He said this represented God upholding His promises of connecting our destinies with Him that year. God used the Sheehan’s house being struck by lightning to prophetically illustrate what He was doing in the larger picture—Gale and Shelly, in a sense, became the word.

It also reminds me of a word I brought for 2022, about the Lord replacing whatever you’d lost with something better than before, about receiving an upgrade—but in the process we lost a lot of stuff—whole HVAC systems went out, as well as refrigerators and hot water heaters. Al’s oldest brother died in a freak accident, his pickup was damaged in an accident, and we lost the last possibility of ever obtaining any portion of the family land we had so hoped to acquire—all this and more within about a six-week period. Especially with the land/property, to the Lord, we were like, “Well, I’d like to see You replace that with something better than what we had hoped You had for us!” And guess what, with this ranch we recently bought—He’s definitely done just that. He found us something better than what we had before—better than what we would have had even if inheritance distribution had been fair and just—better than we could have ever hoped to find, much less afford.

The point being, I think there is a much broader application and implication for other kingdom minded people than just myself regarding the things the Lord is showing me regarding the new property He has led us to recently buy. For some reason, He’s just using us as a shadow or type to prophetically illustrate what He is doing on a much broader scale.

The Mountain of the Lord’s House

I want to share some background, and this part might be review if you’ve read my articles before. I believe Montana is a prophetic representation of the Mountain of the Lord, out of Isaiah 2 and Micah 4, where we read that “the Mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and all nations shall flow to it.” We’re of course referring to the 7 Mountains here—the seven areas, or spheres of cultural influence.

Montana comes from the Spanish word for “mountain,” which has roots in the Latin word for “mountainous.” Jon Hamill is the first one who prophesied this to my husband and I (in 2016 when the Hamill’s did their Glory Train Tour), but since then it’s been confirmed a number of times. Jon also prophesied on the same occasion that we needed to rename our state capital of Helena. He said that if we prayed about it the Lord would give us the name.

Sure enough, a couple of months later we got the word that it should be renamed “Zion,” and so we travelled over from Missoula to Helena and renamed it. And when we told Jon he got all super excited and was like, “That’s what David did—He renamed the capital city of Jerusalem ‘the City of David, or Zion!’” (2 Sam. 5)

This next part has emerged within the last several months, when I realized that we were moving to the “Gates of the Mountains,” as named by Lewis and Clark. If you’re not familiar with this landmark, Gates of the Mountains is located 20 miles north of Helena. In 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition was toiling to move upstream on the Missouri River. Apparently rock embankments made towing the boats from shore impossible and the channel was too deep to pole—so they were rowing. Suddenly, limestone cliffs towered above them at heights of 1200 feet. At each bend in the waterway, the stone walls seemed to block passage—only to open like gentle giants as they drew closer so that they could pass through. In his journal Meriwether Lewis wrote, “I shall call this place, ‘Gates of the Mountains.’”

Let’s read the passage from Isaiah 2 with this background—that Montana is a prophetic representation of the Mountain of the Lord, that Helena has been renamed Zion, and that the Helena region also contains the “Gates of the Mountains.”

Isaiah 2:2-4 (NIV): “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

The King of Glory

There have been some real challenges with this whole move, and some very real opposition. There have been plenty of times along the way where we’re like, “We are so far over our heads…I just pray it all works out.” It is definitely the riskiest thing my husband and I have ever done, whether you are talking personally or business-wise, and we’ve done plenty of risky things before!

On the morning the moving trucks were due to arrive to load up all the furniture and boxes to make the two day trek up and over the Continental Divide, a dear prophetic friend sent us a very encouraging and powerful word. He prophesied to us that the day of our move (March 15) was a defining day both for our family and for the state of Montana. He wrote, “You are heading into the gates to fling them wide open so that the King of Glory can ride in.”

You can see the direct reference there to Psalm 24, which in part reads, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you ancient doors! That the king of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle” (vv. 7-8, NIV).

Let me bring a word here especially for Montana: “The Lord is releasing a new level of His glory in this State, which will manifest as a new level of signs, wonders, and displays of His glory. A new level of destiny will begin to manifest as we see more and more people being strategically positioned to enable them to be able to serve, both physically and spiritually, as a place of refuge in the future.(If you’re not from Montana but that word resonates with you, then grab onto it for yourself—for I believe it will become your word, as well.)

A Highway and a Road

One last thing the Lord has highlighted recently for me just in the last couple weeks comes from Isaiah 35. Some of you might already know this, but our new property in Helena also has an old stagecoach road running through it. In some places it’s so visible it actually looks like a highway. I’ve always had the sense that this was no accident, and that there is some kind of prophetic significance to this.

Here’s what Isaiah 35 (NKJV) says regarding the future glory of Zion: “The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing….Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you.’ Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water;

(vs. 8) A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it; it shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Emphasis added.)

I do not know all the implications of these passages, but let me humbly suggest the following to you: “What if God were to choose a prophet to whom He would give a word, who would then become the word and even relocate to a place where they were chosen to illustrate in real time, real terms, by living in an area with actual real physical places and landmarks with names that hold a broader prophetic significance and meaning, regarding what God is beginning to do in the earth—so that He could illustrate what He is about to release in the earth?”

It’s all about timing, and I believe God is beginning to move us into a new dimension of His presence in order that His purposes might be fulfilled in the earth, and for some reason He has chosen to prophetically illustrate this.

This Comes In

Recently I was on a prayer call organized by Clay Nash representing the state of Montana, and Anne Tate of Glory of Zion prophesied something over me. In part, she said there is a new governmental anointing and a new mantle coming upon me, and that my husband and I would begin to make decrees. That we would stand in the gate and say, “This comes in, and this goes out.”

I’m going to do that here now, today: I decree to you: “Get ready, for the Gates of the Mountains have been flung wide open and the King of Glory is riding into our great state of Montana, and as He rides, He will begin to display His glory at a new level though His people, in the form of increased signs, wonders and displays of supernatural glory—and this same wave of glory will increase and spread to the surrounding states and region, and even into and across the nation, and into the nations!”

Let it be so, in Jesus’ name, AMEN! Blessings to you all.

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