In some sort of mind-boggling incomprehensible supernatural way, I believe Montana has been destined for a role in God’s plans to release revival

The Lord Is Releasing The Wells Of Salvation!

A year ago last March, my husband and I had the privilege of meeting up with Jon and Jolene Hamill of the Glory Train Tour. This was in conjunction with an assignment the Lord gave us to visit the four corners of our state, starting with the northwest corner. What an amazing and powerful time!

First, my husband and I “staked” the corner, planted the U.S. and Appeal to Heaven flags, had communion and read and prophesied from Ezekiel 37. The next day we met up with Jon and Jolene in Whitefish to pray, listen and respond to the word of the Lord.

What we experienced over these two days changed me forever and totally expanded my framework for what the Lord is doing in our state and nation. My first clue might have been the gigantic whirlwind that arose when I read verse 9 in that corner the first day! I remember thinking—what have we gotten ourselves into?

The Lord instructed me not to talk about certain aspects of our experience, and other aspects I’ve revealed in stages. Recently, however, I feel prompted to release a word linked with a particular experience from this trip that I’ve not written about until now—that the Lord is releasing the wells of salvation!

A Vision Of A Tent Peg of Revival

At one point as the four of us met, there was a consensus that some type of ancient portal exists in that corner—almost like Montana has been on some type of ancient path—as if certain purposes long ago ordained have been waiting for their destined birth. In fact, Dutch Sheets prophesied in 2004, “Montana is a womb for Me and the river of My Spirit to begin to flow to the nation.”[1]

As we continued, I had a powerful profound visionary experience in which I saw the hand of God come down from heaven and begin to pound a stake into the ground. Every time the stake was struck, I literally physically dropped to the ground! By divine revelation I understood this was a tent peg of revival and associated with the kingdom expansion prophesied in Isaiah 54:1-3. (Later I came to understand more fully we were at that time in the year of the tent peg, or vav.)

I’d mentioned a dream I’d had several days prior to Jon and Jolene, in which I’d been pregnant, and as I awoke I heard, “Children of the promise.” Galatians 4:21-31 reveals that Sarah, the freewoman, although too old to conceive, bore Isaac “through promise” (v. 23). And that this is symbolic that those under the new covenant who inherit salvation are “children of promise”—born free from the bondage of the law (represented by the son born of the flesh to Hagar). As this profound revelation continues, the passage quotes from Isaiah 54!

“’Sing, O barren, you who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who have not labored with child! For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman,’ says the Lord.” (Isa. 54:1; see Gal. 4:27)

On the Glory Train conference call the next day, I felt I had an assignment to prophesy that revival would begin to spring forth from the ground—that the Lord was uncapping the wells of revival and salvation. And the following night, I received this prophetic song:

The hills cry out for Your salvation

The rocks cry out and also the cave

Release release the wells of salvation

Bring those out Lord who are dead from the grave.

In some sort of mind-boggling incomprehensible supernatural way, I believe Montana has been destined for a role in God’s plans to release revival. From the mountain of the Lord’s house, I prophesy to you that the wells of revival and outpouring have been uncapped—it’s time to get ready for the biggest move of God ever seen!

A Turn Toward Harvest: A Word For Montana

Montana could be said to be a spiritual “late-bloomer,” as reluctant to appear on the scene as the long anticipated spring thaw can be in our state. But I believe we’re about to see a torrent of prophetic destiny released.

Recently I’ve been hearing by the Spirit that there’s “the sound of abundance of rain.” (1 Kings 18:41) It’s interesting that Montana, which is classified predominantly as semi-arid, has been experiencing an unusual amount of rain—almost double the normal level of precipitation in our area so far this spring.

One prophetic aspect of the rain I see is that the drought is over—many of the Lord’s faithful are about to see the fulfillment of so many promises and dreams. But I also hear there’s an aspect of divine timing about to kick in—a turn toward harvest. Hosea 6:3b says: “He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth.” While both rains were necessary to farmers in biblical times, it was the latter, or spring rains that fell in March and April that served to swell the grain then coming into maturity.

Friends, I hear the Lord say: “Montana is in a stage of zealous transformation!” That for His faithful servants in Big Sky country, “Now is the time. We have entered a season of promotion and advancement; many of us are going to get a new look. You have waited for this for a long time… the drought is over!”

Montana, it is your time for both the early and latter rains… Get ready for harvest!


[1] Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. (2005). Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, Inc. Page 290

Posted on Spirit Fuel.

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