I believe we’ve entered the time of the release of the mountaintop anointing—the time of your promotion where you can expect God to just show up. We were designed to have greater-made glory move through us than what we’ve yet seen. And when God sets you into position, you can expect people, even nations, to be drawn to it—to flow to it—because the glory of the Lord will be displayed through you. It will cause people to exclaim, “What just happened? God showed up!”
“God Just Showed Up!”
The Lord has been giving me additional insight and revelation about the word I recently released in which I’d heard Him say, “The Lord is about to set you into position—Get ready for a significant upgrade!” It continues to fascinate me that when I released this word at a retreat that my husband and I were attending, the angel of promotion stepped out from behind my right shoulder to literally touch every person in the room. One leader even said this angel just about blew her over when he passed by!
Something transpired in that room that was different from anything I’ve ever experienced before. I’ve been hearing over and over again that it’s a completely different and new day—things are completely different and new—and I believe this was a manifestation of this new day we’re in. Instead of the discussion afterwards with other leaders being about something like who might have witnessed to the word, it was more like—“What just happened?” and, “What did you sense or experience?” No matter who felt or experienced what, to a person, the comment I heard again and again was, “God just showed up!”
Over the last several weeks, the Lord has been talking to me about the “mountaintop anointing.” This is not something I’ve heard of before, but I knew instinctively that it was connected in some way to this word about being set into position, and that it was directly related to Isaiah 2:2, which reads: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.” (NKJV)
Friends, I believe we’ve entered the time of the release of the mountaintop anointing—the time of your promotion where you can expect God to just show up. We were designed to have greater-made glory move through us than what we’ve yet seen. And when God sets you into position, you can expect people, even nations, to be drawn to it—to flow to it—because the glory of the Lord will be displayed through you. It will cause people to exclaim, “What just happened? God showed up!”
A Setting Into Position
As I relayed earlier, I felt like the Lord connected this word of being set into position with the story of Joseph’s promotion, when Pharaoh “set (him) over all the land of Egypt” (Gen. 41:41). But I also believe Joseph’s promotion was an early prototype of the mountaintop anointing. Remember how all countries, including the sons of Israel, journeyed to Egypt to buy grain because there was a famine in all the land? These nations, and Joseph’s brothers who represented the nation of Israel, flowed to him, came to him, because the presence of God rested upon his life—in this case to provide food needed in time of famine. This, then, was an early representation of the mountaintop anointing. After enduring a season of preparation, Joseph was set into a position of authority so that nations could come to him to get the God-ordained solution to their problem.
Besides what the Lord showed me about Joseph, I also felt the Lord recently directed me to Jeremiah chapter one, verses 5 and 9-10. If you recall, in verse 5 the prophet Jeremiah was “set apart,” or “sanctified” as a prophet to the nations. Another way to say it is that he was “appointed,” or “called.” Then in verses 9-10 he was set into position. Verse 10 reads: “See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.” (NKJV)
By being set into position Jeremiah was activated, or commissioned. He moved from being called to being commissioned—there’s a big difference between a calling and a commissioning. It moves you into an entirely different realm in which you enter a completely new and different day. In this new day it means greater revelation, greater accuracy, increased favor and increased angelic activity.
The Mountaintop Anointing
It was Jon Hamill who first prophesied to my husband and I out of Isaiah 2:2 that Montana—which means mountainous—was a representation of the mountain of the Lord’s house, of which the mountaintop anointing is a component. Since then we’ve had numerous confirmations of this word.
I believe everyone who’s persevered through their season of preparation and who receives this word of promotion will see upgrade within their sphere(s) of influence to a significant degree. We have indeed entered the season of Zechariah 9:12—the time of the double blessing. And the double blessing that some walk in already is about to be replaced by the triple. That’s the power of the mountaintop anointing—even those already operating at high levels of favor and anointing are about to enter even higher realms of authority.
Everyone is included in the invitation to experience the double blessing, much like being invited to a party. But for those who are about to walk in the triple blessing, I have a feeling this might be the after party—in which case it’s the better party. This group will experience unlimited power, wisdom and resources to expand the kingdom of God, and will be a representation of those of the house of David from Zechariah 12:8 who—almost unbelievably—are likened to the Angel of the Lord.
I’ve heard the Lord say that there’s some major transition coming. Don’t be shaken by it—there’s such awesome support in the angelic realm that will help carry us through. No matter your sphere of influence, expect to see people come to you for solutions. Expect broken bones to be made well again. Expect to see key networking opportunities emerge, and don’t hesitate to connect with leaders outside of your own sphere of influence, as there are key strategies the Lord is intending to release as a result of an integration of spheres.
If you are one who is waiting on this new day, it can feel like you’re the little kid in the car on a road trip who keeps asking their parents, “Are we there yet?” Guess what—we’re there. And in this new day make sure to operate out of the new way of love and not out of the old way that is formulated on how good you are.
Friends, I sense all your hard work is about to pay off. I activate you into the mountaintop anointing now… I release the mountaintop anointing to you NOW! Expect the nations to flow to it!
“… In those days ten men from different nations and languages of the world will clutch at the sleeve of one Jew. And they will say, ‘Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’” (Zech. 8:23, NLT)
Posted on The Elijah List.

Diane is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.
We have a prayer group of three who have been meeting for several years. We are experiencing what you’ve described for the past three weeks. God’s presence and power and His leading are amazing us. One of us could suddenly play the guitar with no training. The miracles are coming whenever we meet. We’ve noticed we are in a new time in the Lord. We are so encouraged!
YES!!! This speaks to me… my spirit!! Thank You!! I await the results of this.