With renewed hope, let’s expectantly watch for the Lord to open the door of increase and wealth, that we may use it to further His kingdom.

The Door of Hope

I will give her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor or Troubling to be for her a door of hope and expectation. And she shall sing there and respond as in the day of her youth, and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt” (Hos. 2:15 AMP).

The Lord has continued to speak to me about doors in this Hebraic year of 5784, referenced by many prophetic voices as “the year of the open door.” One door I’ve heard the Lord speak of recently is restoring hope—restoring to His people the ability to dream again. This will be an important door for many to access.

You can’t fully appreciate the door of hope referenced in Hosea 2 without understanding a bit of the backstory. Hosea, at God’s request, had married a prostitute who worshipped idols. His marriage was a disaster and the nation of Israel was not much better off.

The Valley of Achor or Troubling is referenced in Joshua. The children of Israel had had a tremendous victory over Jericho, but went on to suffer disaster at Ai. There, Achan sinned and hid the sin, which caused God to remove the blessing from over the nation. The place where Achan was stoned to remit the sin was called the Valley of Achor or Troubling.

In that place of overwhelming circumstance and trouble God chose to speak to Hosea of hope and restoration—the ability to dream again.

The Key of Faith

As for you also, because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you” (Zech. 9:11-12 NKJV).

The Lord might be trying to open a door of hope for you, but issues like unforgiveness and unhealed soul/spirit hurts may be hindering the blessing of God. Certain unresolved issues have to be addressed in order for the blessing to flow. An important primary key that opens the door of hope is faith, as faith allows us to forgive and love those who have acted unjustly towards us.

Romans 5:1-5 highlights the direct link between faith and hope. It tells us that in the same manner we are justified by faith and now have peace with God, faith allows us to hope in the glory of God, and not be disappointed because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

“That all sounds well and fine,” you might be thinking, “But of what practical value is that to me?” If that’s you, let me share something both simple yet profound that helped me.

Let’s say you’re struggling to forgive and love someone who has wrongfully used you. I tell people that a key to forgiveness is to follow Jesus’ example, when He asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Him because they didn’t know what they were doing (Luke 23:34). This understanding provides a great place to start, as well as confessing forgiveness and love of those who wronged you—even if you don’t feel like it. But I’ve discovered that you don’t have to feel like you’ve forgiven and love someone for it to have been accomplished by faith through Christ.

Because here’s the deal. Especially if you’re a new believer, you might not feel born again, might not feel like your sins have been forgiven, and might not feel like you have received eternal life—but you have. Why? Because these things are accessed by faith in Christ—not by something you feel or by something you yourself have done.

The same is true with forgiveness and love. You might not feel in your heart that you have reached the levels of love and forgiveness you desire, but by faith, Jesus can make up the difference. You might simply want to say, “Jesus, thank You for giving me the ability to forgive and love this person who wronged me. I receive Your forgiveness and love and release it to them.”

Friends, if this is something you struggle with, I pray this simple explanation releases the ability to hope and dream again!

Going Higher

For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away” (Matt. 25:29 NKJV).

One recent night I awoke several times to hear the Lord say, “Get ready for the increase that is coming.” I also heard Him speak of, and dreamed about, three specific areas of increase.

The first area I saw was sphere of influence. Those who have been found faithful in obedience to the Holy Spirit will begin to see an increase in respect and honor within their peers and associates.

The second was territory, or reach. I saw boundaries increasing. This might be geographic or range of audience or impact, and could also involve promotion.

The third area of increase the Lord revealed was believers’ displayed authority in the natural realm, as well as greater cooperation between the two—where nature and creation function and sustain man more as God intended before the effects of sin. A simple example from Scripture might be when Elijah was fed by ravens by the stream, whereas a sweeping example would be when the earth “helped” the woman being persecuted by the dragon as recorded in Revelation 12:16.

Since then both my husband and I have had dreams in which the Lord both spoke and illustrated that His faithful are “going higher,” whereas those who have not been found faithful are going lower.

Much like in the parable of the talents, those who hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” can expect to go higher (Matt. 25:14-30).

The Door of Increase—Wealth of the Nations

Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations—their kings led in triumphal procession” (Isa. 60:11 NIV).

The final area the Lord recently spoke to me about is the wealth of the nations. On several occasions I heard the Lord say, “The wealth of the nations will come (to you).”

According to Strong’s 8179, the Hebrew word used for “gate” in Isaiah 60:11 means opening, door, or gate. I’ve written previously about a door of abundant supernatural—even miraculous—provision opening in 5784, the year of the door, before the Lord brought this passage to my attention.

The continual prayer from my heart in this season is, “Lord, open the door that no man can shut.” If that’s your heart also, I invite you to pray that with me. Then, with renewed hope, let’s expectantly watch for the Lord to open the door of increase and wealth, that we may use it to further His kingdom.

Posted on The Elijah List.

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