As we begin the new year, if you’re saying to yourself, “I seem stuck. If 2025 is going to be any better, I’m going to have to try something different,” then this word is for you.
It’s mid-January as I write this, and many people are evaluating what they want their lives to look like in 2025. Some draft new year’s resolutions, while others might cast vision or structure a plan to move forward in business or ministry. Others in the prophetic community, myself included, pray into various prophetic words released for the new year.
Prophetically, I sense the Lord’s planning to take those who are always obedient to the next level, but this creates a corresponding need to be ready.
As we begin the new year, if you’re saying to yourself, “I seem stuck. If 2025 is going to be any better, I’m going to have to try something different,” then this word is for you.
A Kingdom Nation
The first step in becoming “unstuck” is to make sure you’ve addressed each of these four interconnected areas in your life: 1) ungodly beliefs/mindsets, 2) generational sin, 3) deliverance and 4) soul/spirit hurts. Because these areas exist in Scripture, they have a certain effect on your life—whether you realize it or not. (For more in-depth info, read the article, I Have Set Before You an Open Door.)
The problem with being stuck in some kind of negative or destructive pattern, habit or mindset is that issues have a way of red-flagging you—making you vulnerable to other things.
We see this principle established scripturally in Deuteronomy 28. This passage describes at length the blessings on obedience (vs. 1-14) and the curses on disobedience (vs. 15-68). God must want to drive home a point, as there are almost 4 x’s as many verses on curses than obedience!
The criteria for being a recipient of the blessings of obedience are two-fold: 1) to diligently obey the voice of the Lord, and 2) to carefully observe all His commandments; i.e., we are required to both obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, and carefully observe the commandments and principles in Scripture. (Deut. 28:1)
It’s difficult to read the section on the curses on disobedience, as the list of curses, calamities and maladies found there is extremely detailed and extensive. And lest you think this chapter only applies to the nation of Israel, remember that we are the spiritual children of Abraham and members of a kingdom nation. (Gal. 3:29; 1 Pet. 2:9)
Unquenchable Fire
As I said, I sense the Lord’s planning to take those who are always obedient to the next level. So, what if you are obedient, have already addressed the four key areas described above, but still continue to experience some form of unresolved issue(s)? Then the second step in becoming “unstuck” comes into play, which is to recognize you may have lingering bloodline or generational curses hindering you.
By way of personal example, I used to suffer debilitating migraines. I had always had a strong sense that the headaches were deeply rooted in generational issues (my mother and paternal uncle had them), and eventually there was a place of rest I had to enter. I had prayed every prayer, broken every curse, received every opportunity for prayer and ministry—done everything I possibly knew how to do to cooperate with the Lord. And still they persisted.
One day a dear prophetic friend gave me Matthew 3:11-12 and told me the Lord said these verses were for the migraines. This passage reads: “’…He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.’” (NKJV) Nothing changed concerning these headaches for six years.
Then one night I awoke to hear the Lord say, “I’m burning the migraines off of you—you won’t have them anymore.” And sure enough, I’ve been migraine-free going on two decades now. Remember, I’d done everything to that point I knew to do—prayed every prayer, received all kinds of ministry, repented of anything I could think of—and yet they persisted. Until the Lord burned them off, much like the chaff from the wheat.
Friends, I believe we have entered a season where the Lord is doing some spiritual housecleaning, and will burn off lingering bloodline/generational issues for many who have been unable to become whole and free from them. Your part is to simply invite the Lord to burn off anything necessary with His unquenchable fire!
The Dream
One recent night I had a dream, right after the Lord began giving me direction for this article.
In the opening scene my husband and I were about to begin our annual ministry board meeting. At first there were a couple additional people present who would not normally be there, and somehow this morphed into the board meeting moving to an enormous state university event/ball room to accommodate more people.
As the next scene evolved, crowds of people filled the facility, all there for our board meeting, apparently because of the influence of someone we were connected to.
In another scene I was asked to present a ticket (which I hadn’t realized was necessary) to join those in the ball room—for our own meeting! But somehow that was resolved, once again, because of who we were connected to.
Throughout the whole dream, I was frantically trying to upgrade my presentation, thinking that the documents I had originally planned to use were not detailed and polished enough for such a large and distinguished crowd. (There seemed to be all kinds of important people in the room—everything from politicians to all kinds of 7-mountain influencers.)
My takeaway from this dream was that exponential growth is coming for those who are “well-connected,” meaning—those who have been obedient, done everything scripturally they can do to become whole, and allowed the Holy Spirit to do any “housecleaning” required to go higher.
This applies to all kingdom influencers across all facets of the 7 mountains—which is why I believe all kinds of 7 mountain powerhouses were represented in the dream.
While it might not be necessary to be prepared logistically to go higher (you can make adjustments, much like when I was scrambling to prepare an upgraded board packet), it is necessary to be prepared spiritually. That’s your “ticket” to going to the next level.
The Attitude of Gratitude
Finally, don’t forget the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. Amongst the verses detailing the curses in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 is a telling statement: “[These curses] shall be upon you…and on your descendants forever. Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything.” (vs. 46-47, NKJV)
Friends, I pray that 2025 becomes the year the Lord’s goodness frees you from every hindrance, that you may come into all the things He has planned for you!

Diane Lake is a licensed and ordained minister and is co-founder of Starfire International. Diane is a gifted prophetic writer, teacher and minister, and hosts a podcast. She completed her Masters in Theological Studies from Vision International University.