It may feel like you’re in a battle, but we serve the Lord of Breakthroughs. I prophesy to you that you’ve turned a corner—your breakthrough is coming and you’re going to recover twice as much as before!

So much has been written about open doors in this season, and yet the Lord continues to speak to me about open doors, even though we are well into 2024. Most recently I heard the Lord say that My (the) door is always open, and that all the doors are open wide.

As I pondered the meaning of these statements, I remembered that Jesus tells us in John 10:7, 9—”I am the door.” As for what all the doors might be that are wide open, I felt the Lord prompted me to recall all the doors I’ve written about previously, as well as any other doors various prophetic voices have mentioned.

Some of the doors I recalled are those of strategy and revelation, fulfillment, abundant supernatural provision, honor, hope, and the wealth of the nations. You can likely recall others as well.

It’s important to walk through the doors that are open in 2024, not just to move on to the next prophetic word, or to passively assume what’s behind these doors will automatically come to us.

Be Bold—Say, “Yes”

The Lord has been showing me several key elements regarding walking through doors, the first of which is—to be bold and say, “Yes.”

Recently I’ve had several dreams which highlight this. In one, I was speaking to a group of people about how at some point my husband and I plan to fund an orphanage in India. I described how we’ve had a number of prophetic words and dreams in which the Lord has shown us He wants us to do this. (This is actually true—I’ve had no less than a dozen prophetic words/encounters about this.) Then I said, “We have no idea what we’re doing or how to accomplish this, but we’ve said, ‘Yes.’”

(A subsequent dream revealed I will be given the Father’s love for these children, which will be a different and much greater love than my own.)

In another dream I’d agreed to host some type of event or gathering. People kept coming and coming—way more than I’d anticipated. There seemed to be some kids involved, which I had not planned for, but there were people with skills that appeared who began doing the actual hands-on things that were necessary, without my needing to be involved in the details. This happened in multiple areas—not just with the kids. I was involved—but it was in an overseeing or supervisory capacity. A woman approached and asked me how I’d put this gathering together. I replied, “Oh, I’m just the person who said, ‘Yes,’ to hosting this.”

Friends, the door the Lord intends you to walk through most likely involves boldness and risk. I feel the Lord is saying, “I know sometimes it feels like nothing is happening, but it is. I am working behind the scenes—orchestrating. There will be a manifestation of a large-scale promotion soon—of what you will be doing for Me. Be bold. Say, ‘Yes!

Master of Breakthroughs

Another key to walking through the doors is to maintain your faith and integrity and get the victory. Because, as you may have noticed, the enemy (Satan) rises up to meet you as you cross the threshold of opportunity (1 Cor. 16:9).

Recently my husband and I experienced a setback due to a vehicle accident (that wasn’t our fault). The last couple months have literally felt like a battle—both with the insurance companies and in regards to our health.

But one recent morning I heard in my spirit that we’d turned the corner, so I began to decree and prophesy that. Later that day we received an email with the good news that we were finally able to move forward with repairs to our vehicle. We have yet to see breakthrough in some other areas, but I’m confident it’s coming.

The Lord brought to mind 2 Samuel 5:17-20, in which David defeats the Philistines. The context for this passage is that David had just been anointed king over Israel. When the Philistines heard this, they came looking for a fight. Imagine that—promotion associated with battle!

We read that David went to Baal Perazim, and there the Lord gave David the victory, after which he said, “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water” (5:20, NKJV). Baal Perazim could literally be translated, Master of Breakthroughs.

Sometimes I think God likes to drive home a point. We live on a mountain ranch with a mile of private road to maintain. Every spring after the snow melts, the runoff fills the culverts with silt. By some strange coincidence, at the exact moment I’m writing this my husband is blasting out the culverts with—you guessed it—high pressured water. It takes a huge volume of water blasted at high pressure to break through the silt and get the culverts in working order again.

It may feel like you’re in a battle, but we serve the Lord of Breakthroughs. I prophesy to you that you’ve turned a corner—your breakthrough is coming and you’re going to recover twice as much as before! (Zech. 9:11-12)

Youth and Health Restored in 2024?

It’s intriguing that my husband and I celebrated our 44th anniversary in 2024, in this, the year of the open door—four being the value of the Hebrew letter Dalet, which is symbolized by a door.

Several nights before our anniversary, my husband had a dream. It’s always the same. Over coffee, he’ll start out by saying something like this, “I had an interesting dream. But it might not mean anything.” Then he’ll share the dream, and I’ll respond something like this, “Oh my gosh. That’s profound (or powerful, or whatever).” Because somehow the interpretation seems natural to me, and the dreams he shares usually have divine meaning.

In the dream he said it was like the clock had been turned back. We were both in high school. We looked young, but it was clear we were married. That’s all there was to the dream. (We went to the same high school—I was a freshman when he was a senior, but we were not a couple back then.) After he shared this, I commented, “That’s a good word!”

To me, the fact that we were teenagers in high school indicates youth and health. And the fact that we were clearly married speaks that the Lord plans to restore back to us today, as a married couple, our youthful bodies and our health—by essentially turning back the clock.

In all transparency, this dream came at a particularly interesting time. My husband and I work hard to maintain good health—we eat right, stretch, work out and stay active. But as I shared earlier, we recently experienced a setback. In spite of this, what if God wants to show off by beginning to turn back the clock so that we end up more youthful and healthier than before?

This is not the first time I’ve heard the Lord talk about restoring youth and health. Could the door be opening in 2024 to being younger and healthier than before? Perhaps this seems impossible in light of your circumstances, but I invite you to claim this in faith for yourself, if you sense it is for you! As for me—I intend to walk through that door.

Psalm 103:1-5 (NKJV):  “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Posted on The Elijah List.

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