If you’re feeling stretched in your finances, relationships, job, ministry, or personal life—welcome to the transfer zone. I hear the Lord saying that growing isn’t any fun, but it’s necessary. God is building something—He’s going somewhere—but first He wants to mold us ever more closely into the image of His dear Son, so that we are fully prepared to participate in the harvest of souls that is coming.

The Exchange Zone

In a recent article I shared how the Lord had been speaking to me about connecting His plans from Ancient Days for the Last Days through a time gate of present transition. Since then, the Lord has also been speaking to me repeatedly about being in the “transfer zone.”

It’s interesting that I’m hearing other prophetic voices refer to believers being in a season of transition, or something akin to a transfer zone, as well. In one discussion my husband and I had with a good friend in ministry recently, we were talking about how all three of us had been in track and field in our younger days, and had participated in running relay races. In light of the season of transition we all sensed we are in, we agreed that the designated zone that the baton has to be transferred or passed within seemed of particular significance.

The technical name for this zone is commonly referred to as the “exchange zone,” or sometimes the “change-over box.” If the baton is not successfully exchanged between the incoming and outgoing runners within that designated zone (which is 20 meters long), then the relay is disqualified.

It occurs to me that this transfer zone I hear the Lord repeatedly referring to most likely shares some of the same qualities as the exchange zone in a relay race. If this is true, and if there is a particular “zone” within which believers must make some sort of effective spiritual transition, then what this zone entails warrants a closer look, so that together we can successfully run the race that God has set before us.

The Race of Faith

Hebrews chapters 11 and 12 have been very much on my mind lately. Hebrews 12:1-2 exhort us to run the race of faith with endurance. If you’re like me, this season of transition we find ourselves now in is one that is requiring us to stretch and grow the likes of which I don’t ever remember being stretched before.

On a personal level, my husband and I followed the Lord’s direction in a particular area in recent months. And yet, things have not turned out like we have prayed and hoped they would. One recent night as I lay awake earnestly praying for a resolution to this situation, I sensed the Lord saying, “Will you trust Me?

What’s interesting is that we embarked on this endeavor in the first place because we trusted Him—in following His leading we trusted Him to successfully complete everything we “needed” within the “necessary” timeframe. Except—what if the Lord thinks it’s more important that my husband and I grow through the experience of not having everything resolved within the timeframe we felt was necessary, than if it was? That’s the million-dollar question, friends. That’s the million-dollar question.

Strap Yourself In

It’s no coincidence then, I suppose, that I’ve heard the Lord refer multiple times to the transfer zone as also being the “building zone.” He’s building up our faith, building up our trust in Him, and even touching down on those specific issues that speak to us of promise—much like when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Will we trust Him to have our best interests in mind when what we felt was promised isn’t going according to plan? Turning out like we thought? Or if we’re even asked to sacrifice it? (Gen. 22)

If you’re feeling stretched in your finances, relationships, job, ministry, or personal life—welcome to the transfer zone. I hear the Lord saying that growing isn’t any fun, but it’s necessary. God is building something—He’s going somewhere—but first He wants to mold us ever more closely into the image of His dear Son, so that we are fully prepared to participate in the harvest of souls that is coming.

Because here’s the deal. One recent night I heard the Lord say, Strap yourself in—there’s been a sifting of wheat and tares and a harvest is about to begin! (Matt.13:24-30; see also Matt. 13:36-43.)

New Jackets

The Lord continues to confirm His word of building and harvest to me through recent dreams, in which I’ve seen things like cranes, concrete pump trucks, and fishing nets. In another recent dream I saw many believers receiving a new jacket, and heard that jackets represent mantles.

This brought to mind a word I gave in late April at a prophetic conference hosted by our ministry. During worship at an early session, I suddenly felt an enormous weight come down upon me. When I asked the Lord what it was, I felt He said it represented the new mantles He is releasing. I now believe this word was intended for more than just those who attended this conference, but also includes others in the transfer zone within the body of Christ.

I see these mantles as representing new assignments, new opportunities, new weightier responsibilities that carry more authority—with even a new level of signs, wonders, and miracles being a part of it.

Stay the Course

In 2 Kings 2 we read the story of how Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind and of how his mantle was passed on to Elisha. Many of the elements of the transfer zone are elements contained within this story. Both Elijah and Elisha were in transition—one was about to go up into heaven, the other was about to receive a new mantle—and with it, new assignments, new responsibilities and new power for miracles. In short, a baton was about to be passed.

But it also appears to be an awkward and difficult time for Elisha—this transfer zone. He was told three times by his mentor to stay back but refused, the comments by the sons of the prophets who were observing were not exactly helpful, and he was eventually separated from Elijah who was then taken up into heaven. Nothing about this zone appears to be easy or comfortable. But ultimately the mantle—the double portion, came from it! It must have all seemed worth it!

You, too, might be saying, “This time of transition I’m in is too hard. It’s not worth it.” Let me encourage you to stay the course—to stay positive, stay hopeful. It will be worth it in the end, my friend—it will be worth it in the end.

A harvest is coming, and you have an important role to play in it.

Posted on The Elijah List.

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