The Real Beauty of Christmas and How it Relates to Today
The real beauty of Christmas for me is that it’s also very raw. By raw I mean it’s simple, powerful and real—with elements like a...
Trump Rallies: Their Connection to Eagles, Spiritual Inheritance, and the Glory of the Lord!
What a privilege and honor to be asked to pray at the opening of a Trump rally recently! President Trump had already been to our state of...
Be Ready in 5779 for Global Awakening and Flowing New Wine!
5779 will be a year flowing with new wine, and we can expect this to be a year of increased revelation and increased accuracy! I feel led...
A Season of Kairos Moments, Provision, and Accelerated Justice!
For those who’ve been calling upon the name of the Lord, their provider, as they endure storms of process, be encouraged. The Lord...
Celebrating the 4th of July, and How it Links to the New Move of God!
There are apostolic mothers and fathers across our nation who carry mantles to see fulfillment of national destiny and sustained revival....
A Work of Consecration for Acceleration: It’s Time to Bring in the Harvest!
There’s been a shift in momentum in the spirit, much like what Jacob experienced in Genesis 31. He’d been working for Laban all those...
The Shape of Things to Come: A Sifting, Recompense, and a Glory Canopy
I sense God’s about to do a creative thing—much like when Satan overplayed his hand and Christ was crucified, only to rise again....
Responding to Human Loss and Tragedy: Leadership Through Prayer
Intercession is more than just prayer—it includes action. Jesus was our example for this. Jesus didn’t just pray for us—He died for...
Merry Christmas: God’s in the Package!
I heard the Lord say, “Pay attention to Christmas this year—it’s a time of abundant blessing.” Imagine! – God wants to give...