Articles, Uncategorized

The Super Bowl: Links to Discernment, Saving the Children, and Multi-generational Apostolic Teams

(Image source: There is no point in a Super Bowl, yet it garners the attention of a nation. I mean, come...

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Articles, Uncategorized

The Lord is Releasing New Levels of Discernment to His People

  Just as our natural senses allow us to discern the signs of the sky, our spiritual senses allow us to discern the signs of the times...

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Articles, Uncategorized

A Christmas Special Blessing For Families This Year!

  I see divine fingerprints on the fact that Mary and Joseph returned “home” to Bethlehem that very first Christmas (Luke 2:4-7)....

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Articles, Uncategorized

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A Move of Purity, a Return to Character and Family Values

I love the fresh expectation that a new year brings… Friends, I believe this will be the year—the decade—for the voices of...

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Articles, Uncategorized

A Season Of Prophets And Pentecostal Power: It’s Going To Be A Good Year!

(Image source: I believe this new season of the mouth will reverberate with the voice of the Lord—both to...

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Articles, Uncategorized

I Heard The Lord Say: “It’s A Year Of Endless Possibilities!”

I’m hearing the Lord say, “My possibilities are endless. I will take you higher than you thought you could ever possibly go. Let Me...

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Articles, Uncategorized

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An Update – God is Moving in New Ways!

On July 29—completely out of the blue—my husband had a heart attack. I don’t pretend to have it all figured out. But I do know that...

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Articles, Uncategorized

The Lord is About to Take His Prophets Higher!

The Lord’s been showing me that the upcoming year of 2020, among other things, will become known as the year of the prophet. We are about...

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Articles, Uncategorized


The Release of the Mountaintop Anointing—This Might Be the After Party!

I believe we’ve entered the time of the release of the mountaintop anointing—the time of your promotion where you can expect God to...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Expect Triple Increase, Not Double – The Baby Called “Harvest” Has Walked!

Over and over again I’m hearing it’s a new day of increased favor, and that it’s going to be a year of unlimited change. For some of...

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