God is in a mood. He is in the mood to perform miracles, to administer justice and to bring recompense for that which has been lost.
Everywhere You Look—Blessings
Friends, we are living in a season of fulfillment like I’ve never seen before. Prayers are being answered and prophecies fulfilled so quickly one upon another that it brings to mind Amos 9:13:
“’Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.’ God’s Decree. ‘Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.’” (Amos 9:13, MSG)
The Lord continues to bring additional revelation regarding the recent dream I had in which three orchid plants each produced one remarkable large and beautiful bloom on the same day. As I had previously written, I believe this dream was not specifically for or about me, but was representative of all those who have prophesied words of hope to others, and/or have received and stewarded the same.
I wrote that the fact that there were three flowers seemed important, as in scripture the number three typically represents something that is complete, perfect or whole, and that the blooms appearing all on the same day symbolize that indeed, we are in a “day,” or season for prophetic promises to blossom, replete with the fragrance of heaven.
In addition, I now believe another significant reason there were three orchids is that they represent triple increase.
Let me explain why this is what I’ve come to believe.
Grab the Triple
I also shared some personal testimony in that same article. I wrote that by far the biggest instance of fulfillment in recent weeks brings divine restitution to an ongoing injustice involving land and inheritance that has been perpetuated in my family for generations.
On both sides of my family my grandparents were farmers and ranchers with large holdings of land. Yet time and again my family and I were bypassed in any inheritance of property. In particular, one 1500-acre parcel of land has been especially important to my husband and I, but over the years we’ve been repeatedly bypassed for inheritance and denied any ability to acquire a portion of this land.
Over the years trusted prophetic voices prophesied the Lord would bring restitution to this situation, and that the land would be recovered. Finally, about a year and a half ago, we began to realize that the land the Lord had in mind for us must be different from this family parcel, so we began searching.
Here’s where the story gets interesting. Recently my husband and I were able to purchase a small ranch (small by Montana standards) of 315 acres. There’s an additional 367-acre BLM grazing lease, a house, shop, outbuildings, an old log homestead structure, and even an old stagecoach road running through the property! It’s very private and secluded, yet only minutes from a charming small city. Quite simply—it’s the property of our dreams, and not something we ever expected to find, much less be able to acquire or afford.
After going under contract, something began niggling at my brain. A question kept coming to my mind: How much acreage would we have if that 1500-acre parcel had been divided equally among my grandparents’ descendants, as it should have been?
I did the math. My grandparents had three children (one of whom was my mom), so each child would have received 500 acres. My mom’s portion would then have been split five ways (I have four siblings), so the total I would have actually received would be 100 acres. We already own 15.69 acres by another means.
Then I remembered an article I’d written in April of 2019, in which I said the Lord told me to expect triple increase. I had actually kind of forgotten about that word until right then. The ranch we bought is 315 acres. If you multiply the 100 acres we should have inherited by 3 it equals 300. Then, if you add the 15.69 we already own… you get 315.
Unbelievably, the land we’ve just acquired is, to the acre—triple increase!
When I had opportunity to share this recently with Cindy Jacobs on a conference prayer call, she began to prophesy, “Grab the triple! Grab the triple. Grab onto triple increase!”
Friends, it is the season to grab the blessing of triple increase.
Living Proof
Another prophetic word I am watching come true comes from an article I wrote last December titled, 2022: The Front Door to the New. In that word I wrote that the things you’d lost in the past season would be replaced with new and better than before—to get ready for an upgrade.
Here’s a quote: “I believe that as the door to 2022 opens (as the year unfolds), it will begin to reveal who you really are, what the new has been for and why the old things had to die and be removed.
A theme I’m hearing along with this is that you are going to be “underwater,” meaning that you’ll have moments of feeling like you’re in over your head. Understand that this feeling is temporary and just part of the process of becoming established in the new.
I hear the Lord say that this is why we’re doing the new—because the new things are good; the good news being that He’s about to reveal a new identity and purpose to you in 2022!”
Friends, I am living those words out right now in front of you.
The Acceptable Year of the Lord
The scripture the Lord gave me for 2023 is Isaiah 61. The whole chapter is rich in its incredible picture of the divine exchange—His beauty for our ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
I proclaim to you that 2023 is the acceptable year of the Lord (vs. 2). It will be a year of divine favor, justice, restitution—a year for land and inheritance and property to be restored. A year to recover and re-establish generational blessing—even if it takes “pulling up stakes” and moving to a new location in order to do so (see vv. 4, 9).
“Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be theirs” (Isa. 61:7, NKJV).
I prophesy to you that in 2023, even possessing triple is possible—if, by faith, you grab onto the triple blessing.
By Faith Made Perfect
Speaking of faith, someone recently asked me: “What about those who even in this season of fulfillment, do not receive their promise, do not experience their miracle, and who—despite having done all to stand—do not see the deliverance that they have been seeking?”
This is a valid and compelling question—one that in one form or another has been asked through the ages, and will continue to be asked until the end of time. To meaningfully address this question, I can only point to Hebrews 11.
Mid-stride, in vs. 35, the writer of Hebrews does an about-face from describing those who have seen the fulfillment of promise here on earth to those who, instead, receive their promise “on the other side.”
Interestingly, it is the faith of those in the latter category that God especially commends. Regardless, it is by faith that we all overcome, and it is by Christ that together we are made perfect and whole—no matter on which side of the veil we see our promise fulfilled (see vv. 39-40).
God is in a Mood
I believe a judgment has been made in favor of the saints, and the time has come to possess the kingdom (Dan. 7:21-22). The gavel has come down and God is in a mood. He is in the mood to perform miracles, to administer justice and to bring recompense for that which has been lost.
But faith does not operate in a void. He wants you to grab ahold, to prophesy, to reach out and apprehend the blessing. Friends, let it not be because you didn’t ask.
Pray with me: “Lord, in this acceptable year of the Lord, let it not be because I did not ask.” Amen and Amen.

Diane is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.