(image source: facebook.com/chuckdpierce/)

God has the perfect new things waiting for you. It’s a season to not rush ahead of Him through just any door, but to wait for Him to move you through the right door into the new things you’re anticipating. It will be worth the wait!

A Holding Pattern

Many are calling the Hebraic year of 5778 we’ve recently entered the year of the door. It will be a year of transition, renewed worship and divine surprises. In Deuteronomy 2:2-3, the Israelites began to transition out of their wilderness wanderings when the Lord spoke to Moses that it was time for a shift and a change—to begin to move into a season to take possession.

Transition could be defined as a process or period of changing from one particular condition or state to another. In other words, transition doesn’t happen overnight but involves increments or stages. Before any movement of transition begins there has usually been some waiting. Many believers, myself included, have been in some type of holding pattern in recent months. I’ve had several dreams that shed some light on this.

In one dream I saw several military personnel sitting with arms crossed and legs outstretched, just waiting and waiting to get some more orders. Many in the Army of the Lord have been waiting to get more orders—marching orders—that will give them new assignments enabling them to possess new kingdom territory. The release of military orders involves timing and strategy—it takes the time that it takes. If they were released prematurely, especially when on the offense, the enemy would know what you’re doing!

Another dream focused on the furniture in a particular room. The house itself was extremely well built and other rooms were perfectly appointed and exactly to my taste. But for some reason I had not been able to find the right furniture for this particular room, so I accepted hand-me down furniture donated from someone else. It was outdated and threadbare, and not even in colors I liked. But rather than invest time and money in pursuit of something I ultimately wouldn’t be satisfied with or want to keep, I accepted hand-me-downs. I knew it was only temporary, and would be well worth the wait.

Friends, God has the perfect new things waiting for you. It’s a season to not rush ahead of Him through just any door, but to wait for Him to move you through the right door into the new things you’re anticipating. It will be worth the wait!

The Waiting Leads to Surprises

After receiving a word several months ago to slow down, I’ve been required to put this belief into practice. During this time I’ve also felt led to turn down several opportunities, and in the process am learning that busyness does not equal godliness. I’m confident the waiting is temporary, and that the right door will lead to amazing God surprises.

These surprises have several aspects. One, as illustrated by the dream of people waiting for orders to be released, involves the bigger picture in which timing and strategy are key. Their release will bring change quickly, and the perfect timing ensures the enemy will also be surprised!

It’s interesting that the Hebrew word-picture for eight, Chet—in addition to looking like a door (or gate), also resembles a bridal canopy. I see the passage from Matthew 25 of the virgins and oil as key. Notice in verse 5 the bridegroom was delayed, so the virgins slumbered and slept—they had grown weary as they waited and waited. Those who ran out of oil were surprised by the lengthy delay and unprepared to transition. This is an element of surprise to avoid!

In Luke 18:1-8, the parable of the persistent widow, another significant aspect of divine surprise is revealed. We see from verse 1 how extended delay can cause weariness, prayerlessness and loss of heart. But verses 7-8 say:

 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

We are entering a season of “speedily,” in which suddenly and to our great surprise we will see the Lord perform the things we have been appealing Him for—if we do not lose heart.

Moving Forward

How can we position ourselves to move forward? And what does the oil of preparation represent that separates those ready to transition from those who are not? (See Matt. 25:7-8.)

The Lord is looking for us to engage. I was shown a ring of old fashioned keys—keys to strategy, which will take us through the right door. These were new keys, which is ironic, since they looked old-fashioned. It’s ironic also that the door isn’t locked. I saw that worship” was identified as the primary key; the next key was “rejoicing,” and the one after that was “die to self.” While these aren’t new concepts, there’s a new grace on these practices to unlock strategies, preparing us to shift into the new things of God.

We can engage and move forward as we determine to:

– Worship Him anew. There is fresh anointing on Isaiah 40:31. As you worship and wait on Him, you will receive new strength, encouragement and energy.

Rejoice in the Lord (Hab. 3:17-19; Phil. 4:4). Our circumstances may not produce rejoicing, but we can rejoice in Him.

Ask the Lord in what areas He’d have you die to self. Fresh strategy will flow from it.

Don’t rush ahead of the Lord. Be sure to inquire of the Lord concerning every door of opportunity. Remember the examples of Abraham and Sarah when they got ahead of God, and Joshua when he forgot to seek counsel from the Lord (Josh. 9:14).

Stay vigilant in the Word and prayer. Praying in the Spirit is a great way to go when you aren’t sure how to pray, and praying the Lord’s Prayer is also very powerful (Jude 20; Matt. 6:9-13).

Finally, and also from Matthew 25 (vs. 10), I believe getting (or being) ready for the wedding in today’s context means… we should get ready for the biggest move of God ever seen!

Posted on The Elijah List.

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