God is even now blessing what He has previously blessed and spoken over your life, and your children are included in this enhanced blessing. We’re entering a season in which you can expect to see your provision appear and destiny fulfilled—His word will not return to Him void (Isa. 55:11). He’s getting ready to manifest His shekinah glory to you!

New Governmental Authority

Like many in the prophetic, I have a sense of great anticipation for 2018. Over and over I’ve heard the Lord say we are about to see the government released upon His shoulders in a whole new way (see Isa. 9:6-7). We will see new levels of His glory, power, and kingdom demonstrated and established on the earth.

The Lord will order and establish this new level of kingdom government through “the two J’s”—judgment and justice. Isaiah 9:7 reads: “Of the increase of His government… there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever…

We might think of the scales of justice, but the Lord showed me the scales of injustice will also come into play. In a vision I saw a man at a doctor’s office who was reluctant to step on the scales. He was somewhat overweight and knew the scales were going to read higher than they should. A verdict would come down—he would need to lose weight. In a spiritual sense, I believe those for whom the scales of injustice read high are about to have their works exposed and things done in secret brought to light. The Lord is about to render verdicts which allow His kingdom to advance.

Malachi 3:16-18 says the Lord records “the names of those who feared Him and always thought about… His name. ‘They will be My people… On the day when I act in judgment, they will be My own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.’

Friends, you who are in this category of beloved believers are about to radiate the brightness of His glory like a treasured jewel, displaying new levels of kingdom authority that are about to be released upon your life!

Don’t underestimate the power of obedience. Those who have in faithful and loving obedience been advancing the Lord’s purposes are about to see an explosion of power and expedited (accelerated) destiny in their lives. Much like the wise virgins, they have been getting ready for the wedding, which I believe in today’s context is the new move of God that’s coming—the biggest we’ve ever yet seen (see Matt. 25:10).

And like Ruth, they’ve remained faithful and committed to their godly convictions—refusing the easy way out—in order to do what’s right. But also as with Ruth, the Lord has been watching and is about to “repay your work.” He is releasing crazy favor upon you—even double favor—right now! (See Ruth 2:10-12; Isa. 45:1-3.)

The Manifest Glory

For these faithful ones, I’m hearing, “I’m releasing unlimited provision to you—unlimited resources—unlimited wealth and power.” I see this as an activation of Zechariah 12:8 which will begin manifesting in 2018.

A level of provision is coming that we have not yet seen. The God who sees our need and provides is established in Genesis 22 in the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to the Lord. Of course the sacrifice was provided but that’s not what I’m talking about—something different… the manifest glory.

The Lord revealed this to me in a powerful encounter. As I lay in bed one night recently, the manifest presence of the Lord surrounded me in a way I’ve never experienced before. I knew it was like the atmosphere of heaven, and in this place of His presence I heard, “No abandonment, no lack.” I believe a level of His kingdom is coming to earth which essentially replicates the atmosphere of heaven, and out of which your provision “just appears” from His manifest glory!

I felt like the Lord showed me another aspect of significance from this story in Genesis 22. First the sacrifice was provided, and then the Lord blesses Abraham and Isaac as at the first. Only this time, the next generation is present for the blessing, and the Lord blesses what He has already blessed (see Gen. 12:1-3, 22:16-18).

Friends, God is even now blessing what He has previously blessed and spoken over your life, and your children are included in this enhanced blessing. We’re entering a season in which you can expect to see your provision appear and destiny fulfilled—His word will not return to Him void (Isa. 55:11). He’s getting ready to manifest His shekinah glory to you!

Back To The Future

I’m also hearing the Lord say repeatedly, “You’ve been commissioned to go through the open door.” Two passages of scripture help illustrate what I feel the Lord is saying through this.

One is in Isaiah 45 when the Lord spoke concerning Cyrus that He would “… open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut… I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places…” (vs. 1-3). Being commissioned to go through the open door includes the provision necessary to fulfill your assignment!

And the second passage contains Isaiah’s call as a prophet in which we see an element of invitation (Isa. 6). The Lord had a purpose in mind to fulfill and asked, “Who can I send?” And Isaiah responded, “You can send me.”

Those who’ve responded similarly to the Lord’s call to advance His present day purposes are about to see swift changes: Ready—Set—Go—Off to the races! An explosive acceleration into promise and destiny. But a word of caution is in order. As exciting as this sounds, the Lord has shown me you’re going to have to get used to chaos if this is what you want.

The Lord’s purposes are coming full circle to the place where your future meets His “presence” through the covenant of the past. Jesus Christ—the same yesterday, today and forever. Past, present, future—all is the same in that the blood of Jesus is everything you need.

I hear the Lord saying, “Stand still and know that I am God. Stand still in awe and amazement and watch what I do.”

Promises claimed for 2018 are about to manifest in ways never before seen!

Posted on The Elijah List.


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