(Graphic source: KingsleyWalkerMinistries.com)

Those who pass their period of testing can expect to see the Lord restore what the enemy (Satan) has taken from them. Those who are ready to pick up the double portion mantle will receive twice the anointing, even as Job had twice as much restored to him.

One theme that has emerged in the prophetic for 2024 is that of open doors. Four is the value of the Hebrew letter Dalet, and Dalet means door. Dalet can also mean gate, or lift up. Another theme that emerged is that of Psalm 24—the King of glory riding in. Interestingly, Psalm 24:7, 9 encompass all those meanings. Psalm 24:7 (NIV) reads: “Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.”

In late January I heard the Lord say, “The double portion mantle era has begun.”

It is my belief that the themes of open doors and the entrance of the King of glory are connected to the beginning of the double portion mantle era, that it is one of the things the King of glory is ushering in.

The Gates of the Mountains

Let me share some background. I believe Montana is a prophetic representation of the mountain of the Lord, out of Isaiah 2 and Micah 4, where we read that “the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains…and all nations shall flow to it” (Isa. 2:2, NKJV; referring to the 7 mountains—the seven areas, or spheres of cultural influence).

Jon Hamill is the first one who prophesied this to my husband and I (in 2016 when the Hamill’s did their Glory Train Tour), but since then it’s been confirmed a number of times. Montana comes from the Spanish word for “mountain,” which has roots in the Latin word for “mountainous.”

Just over a year ago, I realized the ranch we bought is located about 17 miles from the “Gates of the Mountains,” as named by Lewis and Clark. If you’re not familiar with this landmark, Gates of the Mountains is located 20 miles north of Helena, MT. In 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition was toiling to move upstream on the Missouri River. Rock embankments made towing the boats from shore impossible and the channel was too deep to pole—so they were rowing.

Suddenly, limestone cliffs towered above them at heights of 1200 feet. At each bend in the waterway, the stone walls seemed to block passage—only to open like gentle giants as they drew closer so that they could pass through. In his journal Meriwether Lewis wrote, “I shall call this place, ‘Gates of the Mountains.’”

On the morning the moving trucks were due to arrive to load up all the furniture and boxes to make the trek up and over the Continental Divide to our new ranch, a dear prophetic friend, Kingsly Walker, sent us a very encouraging and powerful word. He prophesied to us that the day of our move (March 15, 2023) was a defining day both for our family and for the state of Montana. He wrote, “You are heading into the gates to fling them wide open so that the King of glory can ride in.” (Read the article, Get Ready: The King of Glory is Riding In.)

About a month later, Anne Tate of Glory of Zion prophesied over me. In part, she said there was a new governmental anointing and a new mantle coming upon me, and that my husband and I would begin to make decrees—that we would stand in the gate and say, “This comes in, and this goes out.”

Friends, I prophesy to you from the Gates of the Mountains that the double portion mantle era is coming in.

The Double Portion Anointing

The double portion mantle, or anointing, arises from 2 Kings 2, when Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit before he was taken up to heaven. The idea that the terms “mantle” and “anointing” are interchangeable originates from when Elijah was instructed to mashach (Strong’s 4886; to anoint, smear, consecrate), or “anoint” Elisha in his place. Instead of anointing Elisha with oil, he threw his prophet’s coat (mantle) on him. This is where the symbolism of the mantle representing the anointing comes from (1 Kings 19:16, 19).

A study of the Hebrew word mashach, and its closest New Testament equivalent chrio (Strong’s 5548), and their usage reveals that the anointing confers the heavy, weighty glory of God, and is meant to be regarded as an act of enablement. Thus, the anointing includes the authorization and ability, or authority to move and function—not in your own strength, but in God’s. It makes us receivers of God’s creative energy and ability to accomplish what He has purposed for us—it is the release of the Holy Spirit in and through us.

Pick Up the Mantle—It’s Time to Run

There was a testing before Elisha received what he asked for—first in that he served Elijah for an unspecified time (1 Kings 19:21; 2 Kings 3:11), and second in that Elijah instructed him to stay behind three times and not accompany him to the River Jordan. Elijah was not trying to get rid of Elisha, he was trying to help him grow up into his destiny—he wanted him to endure, to want the anointing more than anything else. Elisha had to actually “see” Elijah taken up to heaven before he could pick up the mantle. This would indicate careful, continuous alignment with his spiritual father until the end (2 Kings 2:12).

Mantle transfer is not automatic and never easy. I feel like the Lord has shown me that there are many who have been waiting for years for the manifestation of a mantle they believe has been passed to them generationally, or from a prophetic or spiritual mentor. My own personal prophetic mentor passed away in late 2017, but it was not until almost six years later, in late July of 2023, that I heard the Lord say: “Today marks the ‘picking up of the mantle,’ the actual stage of wearing and operating in it. That her (my mentor’s) death marked the beginning of the waiting period (that I’d heard Him refer to several nights earlier). It was a trial period—a testing period—to see if I was worthy to wear it.” I heard Him say that I was. Then He said, “The baton has been passed. It is time to run.”

I sense this word is for many others in the body of Christ besides me. If you recognize yourself in this word of testing and waiting to pick up a mantle—get ready to run!


It was great confirmation to listen to Bishop Bill Hamon’s (of Christian International) 2024 Word of the Lord. In his word for the year, Bishop described how the Lord showed him that for the last six years—since 2018—there has been a process of testing the saints to see who was ready for what He was going to start doing in 2024. Those who passed this testing, much like Job passed his testing, would go to a whole new level of experiencing the blessings, miracles, signs and wonders that will begin taking place in 2024.

Like Job, those who pass their period of testing can expect to see the Lord restore what the enemy (Satan) has taken from them. Those who are ready to pick up the double portion mantle will receive twice the anointing, even as Job had twice as much restored to him (Job 42:10).

I heard the Lord say He was preparing to first restore, and then launch His faithful ones. I don’t think we understand what’s coming. It will be a whole new day—a whole new level than anything we’ve ever experienced.

Receiving the Call

The Lord showed me that Ephesians is the wheel that turns the anointing. Ephesians speaks much about the riches of our inheritance in Christ. In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prays for the saints, that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened and that they would know what is “the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (NKJV).

Manifesting the double portion mantle requires first receiving the call. A calling could be described as an invitation, or a divine call. When applied to the double portion anointing, I see receiving the call as similar to when Elisha received Elijah’s mantle the first time. It spoke of potential, or the promise of what was possible (1 Kings 19:19). Then when Elisha endured and later picked up the mantle, it spoke of power—of tapping into the riches of the glory of divine inheritance to begin to run (2 Kings 2:13-14).

In dreams I have seen those who have endured to pick up the mantle as being able to call down the immediate, tangible—even visible presence and power of God. It is not to be taken lightly and there is a reason there has been a testing period. Those who pick up the double portion mantle in this new era will be entrusted with an unprecedented new level of power and prophetic authority.

Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV): “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Posted on The Elijah List.

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